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BallisticPropagator.ConfigureFromDeltaV Method

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Public methodConfigureFromDeltaV(Cartesian, Double, Boolean)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for a trajectory which begins with the specified delta-V in the fixed frame. There will typically be two solutions with the same delta-V, highArc specifies whether to choose the trajectory that attains a higher or lower altitude. If the specified delta-V is too small for a valid trajectory then the minimum energy solution will be calculated InsufficientDeltaV will be returned.
Public methodConfigureFromDeltaV(Cartographic, Double, Boolean)
Populates the InitialVelocity and FinalTime values for a trajectory which begins with the specified velocity in the fixed frame. There will typically be two solutions with the same delta-V, highArc specifies whether to choose the trajectory that attains a higher or lower altitude. If the specified delta-V is too small for a valid trajectory then the minimum energy solution will be calculated InsufficientDeltaV will be returned.
See Also