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TropoScintAttenuationModelItuRP618Version12.FadeDepthAverageAnnualWorstMonth Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the fade depth for the average annual worst month. If set to true, the model computes fade depth exceeded for a percentage of time for the month with the worst climate over a year. Fade depth will exceed the computed value for a percentage of time over the worst month of the year. If set to false, the model computes fade depth exceeded for a percentage of time over an average year. For example, fade depth will exceed the computed value for the climate of an average year as a percentage of time over the year.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications.SignalPropagation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Communications (in AGI.Foundation.Communications.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public bool FadeDepthAverageAnnualWorstMonth { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Boolean
See Also