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AccessComputation Properties

The AccessComputation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCalculateCompleteIntervalsPerConstraint
Gets or sets a value indicating whether satisfaction intervals are computed for each constraint in the Access computation. If this value is set to true, ConstraintResults will contain an entry for each constraint, and SatisfactionIntervals will be filled with the intervals over which the constraint was satisfied. If this value is set to false, ConstraintResults will be null. The value of this property will not affect OverallSatisfactionIntervals. Generally, setting this property to false will result in much better performance.
Public propertyDebuggingLogger
Gets or sets a logger to which debugging information will be written.
Public propertyEventTimes
Gets or sets the manner in which event times are to be reported.
Public propertyInertialFrameForLightTravel
Gets or sets the inertial reference frame in which light travel is modeled.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyLightTravelTimeConvergenceTolerance
Gets or sets the convergence tolerance used in determining the light travel time.
Public propertyModel
Gets or sets which effects are to be consider in modeling the signal path and observation.
Public propertyOverrideConstraintSampling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sampling parameters specified by Sampling should be applied to all constraints, overriding the sampling parameters specified by the constraints themselves. By default, this value is true.
Public propertyReceiver
Gets or sets the IServiceProvider for the object that is receiving the signal for purposes of the Access computation.
Public propertyReceiverConstraints
Gets a list of constraints that are applied to the Receiver.
Public propertyReceiverVelocityVectorForAberration
Gets or sets the velocity vector used in modeling the affect of aberration on the observed signal at the location of the receiver.
Public propertySampling
Gets an instance describing how all constraints are to be sampled as part of this AccessComputation if OverrideConstraintSampling is true. If OverrideConstraintSampling is false, this property is ignored.
Public propertyTransmitter
Gets or sets the IServiceProvider for the object that is transmitting the signal for purposes of the Access computation.
Public propertyTransmitterConstraints
Gets a list of constraints that are applied to the Transmitter.
Public propertyTransmitterVelocityVectorForAberration
Gets or sets the velocity vector used in modeling the affect of aberration on the observed signal at the location of the transmitter.
See Also