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AngleOutOfPlaneConstraint Properties

The AngleOutOfPlaneConstraint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicability
Gets or sets the Access situation in which this constraint applies.
(Inherited from AccessConstraint.)
Public propertyConstrainedLink
Gets or sets the link to which this constraint applies. It is not necessary to set this property when using this constraint with AccessComputation.
Public propertyConstrainedLinkEnd
Gets or sets the end of the link to which this constraint applies. This is the end that is observing the angle which is constrained by this constraint. It is not necessary to set this property when using this constraint with AccessComputation.
Public propertyDebuggingLogger
Gets or sets a logger to which debugging information will be written.
(Inherited from AccessQuery.)
Public propertyDerivative
Gets or sets the derivative to constrain. If this property is 0, the angle itself is constrained. If it is 1, the angular rate is constrained. If it is 2, the angular acceleration is constrained.
Public propertyEvaluationOrder
Gets or sets a number indicating the evaluation order of this constraint relative to other constraints. All constraints involved in an AccessComputation or that share a common parent (e.g. AccessQueryAnd or AccessQueryOr) in an AccessQuery are sorted by this value before being evaluated in ascending order, so constraints with a lower evaluation order are evaluated earlier than constraints with a higher evaluation order.
(Inherited from AccessConstraint.)
Public propertyInvert
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the angle should be measured opposite the usual direction. In other words, if this property is true, the angle is positive when the remaining component of the vector (other than the two that define the plane) is negative.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyIsMaximumEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a maximum threshold is used in calculating constraint satisfaction.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyIsMinimumEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a minimum threshold is used in calculating constraint satisfaction.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyMaximumTolerance
Gets or sets the tolerance associated with the MaximumValue to be used when computing threshold crossings.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyMaximumValue
Gets or sets the maximum function value that is allowed for this constraint to be satisfied. By default this is PositiveInfinity.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyMinimumTolerance
Gets or sets the tolerance associated with the MinimumValue to be used when computing threshold crossings.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyMinimumValue
Gets or sets the minimum function value that is required for this constraint to be satisfied. By default, this is NegativeInfinity.
(Inherited from MinimumMaximumAccessConstraint.)
Public propertyPlane
Gets or sets the plane from which the angle to the displacement vector is measured.
Public propertySampling
Gets an instance describing how this constraint is to be sampled.
(Inherited from AccessConstraint.)
See Also