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ConeCoverageGrid Properties

The ConeCoverageGrid type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseRadiusBounds
Gets or sets the cone's base radius bounds.
Public propertyClockAngleBounds
Gets or sets the cone clock angle bounds. The clock angle bounds define the closed set of values between LowerBound and UpperBound where UpperBound is mapped to the interval [lower bound, lower bound + TwoPi].
Public propertyClockAngleGriddingTechnique
Gets or sets the gridding technique used in the clock angle coordinate.
Public propertyHeightBounds
Gets or sets the height bounds of the cone. The height bounds must be positive and the upper bound is taken as length.
Public propertyHeightGriddingTechnique
Gets or sets the gridding technique used in the cone's height coordinate.
Public propertyRadialGriddingTechnique
Gets or sets the gridding technique used in the radial coordinate.
Public propertyReferenceFrame
Gets or sets the reference frame in which this grid is defined.
(Inherited from GeometricPrimitiveCoverageGrid.)
Public propertySaveGridCell
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grid is to save grid cell information.
Public propertyUseCellVolumeForWeight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use the volume of the grid cells as the weight for each point.
See Also