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IntersectionWithSurfaceRegionsCoverageGrid Properties

The IntersectionWithSurfaceRegionsCoverageGrid type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCentralBody
Gets or sets the central body associated with this grid.
(Inherited from CentralBodyCoverageGrid.)
Public propertyGridPointProvider
Gets the CentralBodyCoverageGrid that is used to generate the set of GridPoints that this grid will be a subset of.
Public propertyReferenceFrame
Gets the reference frame for this grid, which is the CentralBody's fixed frame. If the CentralBody has not been set, then this will return null.
(Inherited from CentralBodyCoverageGrid.)
Public propertyReferenceTerrain
Gets or sets the reference terrain with which the grid points are defined.
(Inherited from CentralBodyCoverageGrid.)
Public propertySurfaceRegions
Gets a read-only collection of EllipsoidSurfaceRegions that are used to constrain the set of points generated by GridPointProvider to create the subset that will be this grid's points. If a point is inside any of the surface regions, it is included in this grid. However, if one of the surface regions is small enough, the GridPointProvider may not have any grid points inside that region.
See Also