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ImmutableDateMotionCollection<T> Properties

The ImmutableDateMotionCollection<T> generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of items in this collection.
Public propertyDates
Gets the list of dates in this collection.
Public propertyFirstDerivatives
Gets the list of first derivatives in the collection.
Public propertyItem
Gets the list of the specified derivative.
Public propertyMotions
Gets the list of motion instances in this collection. Consider using Values, FirstDerivatives, SecondDerivatives, etc. to get all the corresponding data as a single list. This is more efficient than requesting a list of motion instances.
Public propertyOrder
Gets the number of derivatives in this collection.
Public propertySecondDerivatives
Gets the list of second derivatives in the collection.
Public propertyValues
Gets the list of values in the collection.
See Also