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SP3aEphemeris Properties

The SP3aEphemeris type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAvailabilityIntervals
Gets a TimeIntervalCollection over which data is available. If the availability interval is infinite, this returns Infinite.
Public propertyClock
Gets the clock data, by pseudorandom number.
Public propertyClockRate
Gets the clock rate data, by pseudorandom number.
Public propertyHeader
Gets or sets the header of the SP3a file.
Public propertyIsVelocityIncluded
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this SP3a file has velocity data included.
Public propertyPositions
Gets the position data, by pseudorandom number.
Public propertyTimes
Gets the epochs listed in the SP3a file, in the GPS time standard.
Public propertyVelocities
Gets the Velocity data, by pseudorandom number.
See Also