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Sgp4EstimationOutput Properties

The Sgp4Propagator.Sgp4EstimationOutput type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDragDisabled
Gets a value indicating whether the estimation of drag was disabled.
Public propertyEstimatedElements
Gets the estimated set of elements representing the ephemeris at epoch.
Public propertyFinalPositionResiduals
Gets an array of the final position errors between the input position and the estimated position. Note that if the data is unavailable, this value will be null.
Public propertyFinalRootMeanSquareError
Gets the final value of the root mean square error of the estimated fit.
Public propertyInitialPositionResiduals
Gets an array of the initial position errors between the input position and the estimated position. Note that if the data is unavailable, this value will be null.
Public propertyInitialRootMeanSquareError
Gets the initial value of the root mean square error of the estimated fit.
Public propertyIterationsUsed
Gets a value indicating the number of iterations used for the solution.
Public propertyMeanMotionDot
Gets the first time derivative of mean motion, in units of revolutions per day squared.
Public propertyMeanMotionDotDot
Gets the second time derivative of mean motion, in units of revolutions per day cubed.
Public propertyNumberOfObservations
Gets the number of observations used for the fit (corresponding to the number of states in the input).
See Also