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SinglePointStoppablePropagatorDefinition Properties

The SinglePointStoppablePropagatorDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutomaticallyAddEndOfAvailabilityStoppingConditions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the propagator should automatically have a pair of StoppingConditions that will stop propagation at the start or end times of this propagators availability. By default this is true and should only be set to false if calling code is sure that propagation will never go beyond the availability.
Public propertyDirection
Gets a value that will, at run time, report the current direction of propagation of the StoppablePropagator.
(Inherited from StoppablePropagatorDefinition.)
Public propertyInitialDate
Gets or sets the optional initial date for this propagator. This will only be used if the initial state passed into the propagator's propagate method is null.
Public propertyInitialMotion
Gets or sets the optional initial position and velocity for this propagator. This will only be used if the initial state passed into the propagator's propagate method is null.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyOrder
Public propertyPropagationFrame
Gets or sets the ReferenceFrame to propagate in. This should be an inertial reference frame.
Public propertyPropagationPoint
Gets the Point to use in other geometry types that depend on the propagation of this propagator, such as in StoppingConditions that depend on geometry types.
Public propertyPropagationPointIdentification
Gets or sets a name to identify the Points ephemeris with.
Public propertyStep
Gets or sets the step size for this propagator.
Public propertyStoppingConditions
Gets the list of StoppingConditions that will find events and dictate when propagation should end.
(Inherited from StoppablePropagatorDefinition.)
Public propertyTimeTolerance
Gets or sets the tolerance in seconds that the StoppablePropagator will use to say that a StoppingCondition converged on time. When the propagator is trying to find the exact event, if the time between dates is equal to or less than this span, it will say that the StoppingCondition has converged even if the FunctionTolerance has not been satisfied. This value is optional, with a default of Zero. The value must be positive. If the value is specified, then stopping conditions can converge to events if either the function tolerance or this time tolerance is satisfied.
(Inherited from StoppablePropagatorDefinition.)
See Also