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DualPolarizedRadarReceivingAntennaExtension Properties

The DualPolarizedRadarReceivingAntennaExtension type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAntennaGainPattern
Gets or sets the gain pattern for this antenna.
(Inherited from BaseReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyAntennaNoiseTemperature
Gets or sets the equivalent noise temperature for the antenna, in kelvin. It is used to model noise which comes from the antenna pointing at Earth's albedo and other effects prior to reaching the signal processors. It is added to any noise which is added during propagation.
Protected propertyAntennaSignalProcessor
Gets or sets the antenna signal processor which produces the antenna's signal output.
(Inherited from BaseReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyCrossPolarizationLeakage
Gets or sets the cross polarization leakage value.
(Inherited from BaseReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Protected propertyOrthogonalPolarizationAntennaSignalProcessor
Gets or sets the antenna signal processor which produces the antenna's orthogonal polarization channel signal output.
(Inherited from BaseDualPolarizedReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyOrthogonalPolarizationOutputSignalProcessor
Gets the antenna signal processor which produces the antenna's orthogonal polarization channel signal output.
(Inherited from BaseDualPolarizedReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyOutputSignalProcessor
Gets the SignalProcessor which produces the antenna's signal output.
(Inherited from BaseReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyOutputSignalProcessorPrepolarizer
Gets a signal evaluator which produces signals which have the antenna gain applied but not the polarization efficiency.
(Inherited from BaseReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyOwner
Gets the owner of this extension.
(Inherited from ObjectExtension.)
Public propertyPolarizationSource
Gets or sets the polarization source for the primary polarization channel. The orthogonal version of the polarization produced by this source will be used for the orthogonal channel.
(Inherited from BaseDualPolarizedReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Protected propertyPrimaryPolarizationAntennaSignalProcessor
Gets or sets the antenna signal processor which produces the antenna's primary polarization channel signal output.
(Inherited from BaseDualPolarizedReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
Public propertyPrimaryPolarizationOutputSignalProcessor
Gets the antenna signal processor which produces the antenna's primary polarization channel signal output.
(Inherited from BaseDualPolarizedReceivingAntennaExtension<TGainPattern, TAntennaSignalProcessor>.)
See Also