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PropagateSegmentConfiguration Properties

The PropagateSegmentConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultInitialState
Gets or sets the initial state of the segment. Note that this property may not be edited by a SegmentPropagatorVariable.
(Inherited from SegmentConfiguration.)
Public propertyIsNonNominalRunDifferent
Gets a value indicating whether the associated SegmentPropagator will behave differently if it is being run nominally or not. You should overload this property to return true if the specific segment type might behave differently in an unofficial propagation. By default this returns false indicating that there is no difference.
(Inherited from SegmentListConfiguration.)
Public propertyIsThreadSafe
Gets a value indicating whether the methods on this instance are safe to call from multiple threads simultaneously.
Public propertyNominalRun
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this segment is being run normally and as such its results should be included as the final results, or if this segment is being run as part of some other operation (commonly this is set to false to indicate if the segment is being run in a TargetedSegmentListOperator). By default this is true. Override this property when one SegmentConfiguration manages another SegmentConfiguration (as in the case of a SegmentList) and have the overridden setter set the property on all wrapped configuration.
(Inherited from SegmentListConfiguration.)
Public propertyPropagator
Gets or sets the StoppablePropagator to use during propagation of the segment. Note that you are able to override the type of propagator being propagated in any PropagateSegment. For example, you can configure your segment to initially propagate with a TwoBodyStoppablePropagator but specify a StoppableNumericalPropagator here.
Public propertyUseOriginalPropagator
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the original propagator in the PropagateSegment should be used, or if the propagator in this configuration should be used.
See Also