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SegmentDefinition Properties

The SegmentDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public propertyElements
Gets the names of all of the elements that this segment is propagating.
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name to describe the segment. This is optional.
Public propertyNextStateBehavior
Gets or sets the behavior for passing states to the next segment. See StateForNextSegmentBehavior for more information.
Public propertyPassAllElementsToNextSegment
Gets a value indicating whether the segment is such that it will not define any Elements or StateElementAdapters. Such a segment typically affects the control flow of multiple segments instead of propagating state elements. By default this is false, but if the specific derived segment can use the previous segment's adapters, override this property to always return true. Even if this is true some segments may require adapters to be set with the SetElementAndAdapter(StateElementAdapterDefinition) method.
Public propertyPropagationDirection
Gets or sets the direction that this segment will be initially propagated. If this segment propagates multiple segments, the child segments will be propagated in the direction that they are configured with. If the overall list is going forward, segments that go back in time will override the immediate previous segments ephemeris, but if another segment going forward follows the backwards segment, that backwards segment will be ignored when the overall trajectory is resolved into a single ephemeris set. If you are using a StoppingCondition that depends on time, the time span of those stopping conditions must match this property (for example, a DurationStoppingCondition must have a negative threshold if this is set to Decreasing, otherwise, the condition will never be tripped).
See Also