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AttitudeTimeQuatAngVels Properties

The StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuatAngVels type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAttitudeData
Gets or sets the attitude data relative to CoordinateAxes. Note that the convention here is not the usual convention elsewhere in DME Component Libraries, and instead represents the convention used in the STK Attitude Files themselves. See the remarks for more information or use ConvertToStkAttitudeConvention(DateMotionCollection<UnitQuaternion, Cartesian>).
(Inherited from StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuaternions.)
Public propertyCoordinateAxes
Gets or sets the axes in which the data is defined.
(Inherited from StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuaternions.)
Public propertyInterpolator
Gets or sets the interpolator to use to interpolate this attitude data.
(Inherited from StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuaternions.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this attitude format.
(Overrides StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuaternions.Name.)
Public propertyTimes
Gets the times of the data points.
(Inherited from StkAttitudeFile.AttitudeTimeQuaternions.)
See Also