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JulianDate Properties

The JulianDate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDay
Gets the integer portion of the Julian Date (or astronomical Julian day number).
Public propertyStatic memberMaxValue
Gets the largest possible value of JulianDate. This date is in InternationalAtomicTime and may not be representable in other time formats.
Public propertyStatic memberMinValue
Gets the smallest value possible of JulianDate. This date is in InternationalAtomicTime and may not be representable in other time formats.
Public propertyStatic memberNow
Gets the JulianDate that represents the current date and time. The time standard will be Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Public propertySecondsOfDay
Gets the number of seconds past noon on the whole-number Julian Day.
Public propertyStandard
Gets the TimeStandard that this astronomical Julian date is based upon.
Public propertyTotalDays
Gets the total number of whole and fractional days represented by this astronomical Julian date.
See Also