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MartianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris Class

Provides Point instances representing the positions of the Martian moons computed using a J4Propagator with gravitational terms provided by the comments file for the mar097 ephemeris file.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Celestial
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public static class MartianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris

The MartianMoonsAnalyticEphemeris type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDeimos
Gets a point describing the motion of Deimos.
Public propertyStatic memberPhobos
Gets a point describing the motion of Phobos.
Public fieldStatic memberMarsGravitationalParameter
The gravitational parameter of Mars used by mar097.bsp converted to m^3/s^2. See the comments file for the mar097 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberMarsJ2
The unnormalized J2 term of Mars used by mar097.bsp. See J402 in the Additional Constants section of the comments file for the mar097 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberMarsJ4
The unnormalized J4 term of Mars used by mar097.bsp. See J404 in the Additional Constants section of the comments file for the mar097 ephemeris file.
Public fieldStatic memberReferenceDistance
The reference distance for the gravity field of Mars used by mar097.bsp. See RADIUS in the Additional Constants section of the comments file for the mar097 ephemeris file.
See Also