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TiremPropagationModel.PropagationData Class

Contains the values returned from the TIREM propagation for this version of TIREM.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Communications.SignalPropagation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Tirem (in AGI.Foundation.Tirem.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public sealed class PropagationData : TiremPropagationData

The TiremPropagationModel.PropagationData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbsorptionLoss
Gets the loss due to atmospheric absorption, in dB.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyDiffractionLoss
Gets the diffraction loss, in dB.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyFreeSpaceLoss
Gets the free space loss, in dB.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyFresnelClearance
Gets the ratio of the minimum clearance of the ray path to the first Fresnel zone radius.
Public propertyPathLength
Gets the great circle path length at sea level.
Public propertyPropagationMode
Gets the dominant propagation mode used in the propagation.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyReceiverAngleTroposcatterTriangle
Gets the angle at the receiver in the troposcatter triangle, in radians.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyReceiverHorizon
Gets the index of the profile point where the receiver's horizon occurs.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyReceiverHorizonAngle
Gets the receiver horizon angle, in radians.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyReceiverPathLength
Gets the great circle path length at receiver antenna height.
Public propertyTotalPathLoss
Gets the total path loss, in dB.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyTransmitterAngleTroposcatterTriangle
Gets the angle at the transmitter in the troposcatter triangle, in radians.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyTransmitterHorizon
Gets the index of the profile point where the transmitter's horizon occurs.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyTransmitterHorizonAngle
Gets the transmitter horizon angle, in radians.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyTransmitterPathLength
Gets the great circle path length at transmitter antenna height.
Public propertyTroposcatterAngle
Gets the troposcatter angle, in radians.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyTroposcatterLoss
Gets the troposcatter loss, in dB.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public propertyVersion
Gets the version of TIREM reporting these results.
(Inherited from TiremPropagationData.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also