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PredictionSupportRecord Class

This class provides a record of data read from the Prediction Support file (PSF). This data is used to support statistical predictions of navigation accuracy.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.DataReaders
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation (in AGI.Foundation.Navigation.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public class PredictionSupportRecord : IEquatable<PredictionSupportRecord>

The PredictionSupportRecord type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAgeOfData
Gets or sets the age of the navigation data relative to the GPS master control station (MCS) upload generation epoch (minutes).
Public propertyAlongTrackErrorA
Gets or sets the curve fit 2nd order term for the along track error growth (meters/sec^2).
Public propertyAlongTrackErrorB
Gets or sets the curve fit 1st order term for the along track error growth (meters/sec).
Public propertyAlongTrackErrorC
Gets or sets the curve fit 0th order term for the along track error growth (meters).
Public propertyClockErrorA
Gets or sets the curve fit 2nd order term for the clock error growth (meters/sec^2).
Public propertyClockErrorB
Gets or sets the curve fit 1st order term for the clock error growth (meters/sec).
Public propertyClockErrorC
Gets or sets the curve fit 0th order term for the clock error growth (meters).
Public propertyCrossTrackErrorA
Gets or sets the curve fit 2nd order term for the cross track error growth (meters/sec^2).
Public propertyCrossTrackErrorB
Gets or sets the curve fit 1st order term for the cross track error growth (meters/sec).
Public propertyCrossTrackErrorC
Gets or sets the curve fit 0th order term for the cross track error growth (meters).
Public propertyPseudoRandomNumber
Gets or sets the pseudo random number of the satellite, otherwise known as the PRN or SVID.
Public propertyRadialErrorA
Gets or sets the curve fit 2nd order term for the radial error growth (meters/sec^2).
Public propertyRadialErrorB
Gets or sets the curve fit 1st order term for the radial error growth (meters/sec).
Public propertyRadialErrorC
Gets or sets the curve fit 0th order term for the radial error growth (meters).
Public propertyRmsAlongTrackError
Gets or sets the Root Mean Square along track error statistic (meters).
Public propertyRmsClockError
Gets or sets the Root Mean Square clock error statistic (meters).
Public propertyRmsCrossTrackError
Gets or sets the Root Mean Square cross track error statistic (meters).
Public propertyRmsRadialError
Gets or sets the Root Mean Square radial error statistic (meters).
Public propertyRmsUserRangeError
Gets or sets the Root Mean Square user range error statistic (meters).
Public methodEquals(Object)
Indicates whether another object is exactly equal to this instance.
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(PredictionSupportRecord)
Indicates whether another instance of this type is exactly equal to this instance.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance, which is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)

The following descriptions are from the Air Force Navigation Interface Data Description (IDD):

  • Orbit error statistics in the PSF are in Radial - Along Track - Cross Track (RAC) coordinates relative to the satellite's orbit. Each value nominally represents the root-mean-square (RMS) of the last seven days' worth of PAF data for that variable. If there is a gap in the data that is 3 days or greater, the RMS will not include data prior to the gap. If less than one day of data is present for a satellite, then an average of all the other satellite's values for that variable is used. No data is to be included in the RMS for any time when the satellite is unhealthy.
  • RMS Clock is satellite clock phase error converted to meters and is also nominally computed as an RMS of the last seven days of clock phase error data PerformanceAssessmentRecord The same shortened time interval logic is used for RMS Clock as for RMS RAC errors. No data is used for any time when the satellite is unhealthy.
  • RMS User Range Error is a composite term of the RMS Radial, RMS Along Track, RMS Cross Track, and RMS Clock terms computed each time increment and then averaged over the appropriate time interval (nominally seven days) for a satellite.
  • A, B and C Radial, Along Track, Cross Track, Clock and Age Of Data terms are set to 0 in version 1 PSF files.
See Also