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StkSatelliteDatabaseType Enumeration

Indicates the type of StkSatelliteDatabase to download from an AGI server. AGI maintains several satellite database files, updated daily, each of which contains a different set of data.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Stk
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum StkSatelliteDatabaseType
  Member nameDescription
All The stkSatDbAll database includes all cataloged objects - both on orbit and decayed - including payloads, debris, rocket bodies, and first-, second- and third-stage objects. Entries are included in the database regardless of TLE availability.
AllTwoLineElements The stkAllTLE database includes all orbiting objects with a TLE available, including payloads, debris, rocket bodies, etc. All entries in the database have a corresponding TwoLineElementSet.
Satellites The stkSatDb database includes all payloads - both on orbit and decayed. Entries are included in the database regardless of TLE availability.
Communications The stkAllComm database includes all orbiting satellites with a communications mission. Entries are included in the database regardless of TLE availability.
See Also