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InequalityCondition Enumeration

The criteria for comparing one value to another. Generally for use with constraints that use a threshold to determine if they are satisfied or not, like the ThresholdStoppingConditionConstraint.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.StoppingConditions
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum InequalityCondition
  Member nameDescription
Equals Does whatever value equal the threshold given. When using this with a ThresholdStoppingConditionConstraint it is best to only use this option with something that is incremented slowly. A common error is to have the constraints InequalityCriteria set to Equals, but the ThresholdStoppingConditionConstraint will only equal its threshold at one instant, and when the propagator happens to miss that exact spot, the propagation never stops.
NotEquals Does whatever value not equal the threshold given.
GreaterThan Is the value greater than the threshold given.
GreaterThanOrEqual Is the value greater than or equal to the threshold given.
GreaterThanMinimum Is the value greater than the lowest value computed up to now.
LessThan Is the value less than the threshold given.
LessThanOrEqual Is the value less than or equal to the threshold given.
LessThanMaximum Is the value less than the largest value computed up to now.
See Also