Interface | Description |
Action.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
Action1.Function<T> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
Converter.Function<TInput,TOutput> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DoWorkEventHandler.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
Enumeration |
A marker interface for types implementing an enumeration based on an integer value.
EventHandler.Function<TEventArgs extends EventArgs> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
ICloneable |
Supports cloning, which creates a new instance of a class with the same value as an
existing instance.
IDisposable |
Defines a method to release allocated resources.
IEqualityComparer<T> |
Defines methods to support the comparison of objects for equality.
IEquatable<T> |
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a
type-specific method for determining equality of instances.
ImmutableValueType |
Marker interface for a
ValueType that is declared to be immutable, that is,
none of the contained data may change after construction. |
ISeekableStream |
Seekable streams can get and set their position and length.
Predicate.Function<T> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
ProgressChangedEventHandler.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
SendOrPostCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
ValueType |
Provides the base class for value types.
WaitCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
Class | Description |
Action |
Represents a method that takes no parameters and does not return a value.
Action1<T> |
Represents a method that takes a single parameter and does not return a value.
AsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Provides data for asynchronous method completion event.
BaseCollection<E> |
Provides the base class for a generic collection.
CancelEventArgs |
Provides data for a cancelable event.
Converter<TInput,TOutput> |
Represents a method that converts an object from one type to another type.
Delegate |
Represents a delegate, which is a data structure that refers to a static method, or an
instance method, or an anonymous method.
DimensionF |
Stores an ordered pair of floating-point numbers, typically the width and height of a
rectangle, with float precision.
DoWorkEventArgs |
Provides data for the DoWork event handler.
DoWorkEventHandler |
Represents a method that will handle the DoWork event.
EventArgs |
EventArgs is the base class for classes containing event data.
EventHandler<TEventArgs extends EventArgs> |
Represents a method that will handle an event.
EventWaitHandle |
Represents a thread synchronization event.
FileAccess |
Defines constants for read, write, or read/write access to a file.
FileStream |
Exposes an
InputStream around a file, with buffering and seeking. |
FontStyle |
Specifies style information applied to text.
ManualResetEvent |
Notifies one or more waiting threads that an event has occurred.
MouseButtons |
Specifies constants that define which mouse button was pressed.
PointF |
Stores an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates, defining a point in a
two-dimensional plane, with float precision.
Predicate<T> |
Represents a method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the specified
object meets those criteria.
ProgressChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ProgressChanged event.
ProgressChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that will handle a ProgressChanged event.
RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs |
Provides data for the RunWorkerCompleted event.
RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler |
Represents a method that will handle a RunWorkerCompleted event.
SendOrPostCallback |
Represents a method to be called when a message is to be dispatched to a
synchronization context.
ThreadHelper |
Contains methods related to threads.
ThreadPool |
Represents a thread pool that can be used to schedule work items.
ThreadPool.ThreadPoolThreadFactory |
The default thread factory used by the default thread pool.
WaitCallback |
Represents a callback method to be executed by a thread pool thread.
WaitHandle |
Encapsulates operating system-specific objects that wait for exclusive access to shared
Enum | Description |
EventResetMode |
Indicates whether an
EventWaitHandle is reset automatically or manually after
receiving a signal. |
FileMode |
Specifies how the operating system should open a file.
Exception | Description |
ArgumentException |
The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not
ArgumentNullException |
The exception that is thrown when a null reference is passed to a method that does not
accept it as a valid argument.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable
range of values as defined by the invoked method.
InvalidDataException |
The exception that is thrown when a data stream is in an invalid format.
KeyNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown when the key specified for accessing an element in a
collection does not match any key in the collection.
NotFiniteNumberException | |
RuntimeEOFException |
RuntimeException wrapper around EOFException . |
RuntimeIllegalAccessException |
RuntimeException wrapper around IllegalAccessException . |
RuntimeInstantiationException |
RuntimeException wrapper around InstantiationException . |
RuntimeInterruptedException |
RuntimeException wrapper around InterruptedException . |
RuntimeInvocationTargetException |
RuntimeException wrapper around InvocationTargetException . |
RuntimeNoSuchMethodException |
RuntimeException wrapper around NoSuchMethodException . |
RuntimeURISyntaxException |
RuntimeException wrapper around URISyntaxException . |
UncheckedFileNotFoundException |
RuntimeException wrapper around FileNotFoundException . |
WrappedRuntimeException |
Wraps an exception as a RuntimeException and delegates methods to the wrapped