ClusterJobScheduler.GetUserAuthorization Method |
Namespace: AGI.Parallel.Client
using System; using AGI.Parallel.Client; using AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure; namespace CodeSamples { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (IJobScheduler scheduler = new ClusterJobScheduler("localhost")) { scheduler.Connect(); IGetAuthorizationInfo asGetAuthorizationInfo = scheduler as IGetAuthorizationInfo; if (asGetAuthorizationInfo != null) { Console.WriteLine("Current User: " + System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); AuthorizationType authorization = asGetAuthorizationInfo.GetUserAuthorization(); if (authorization == AuthorizationType.AccessAllowed) { Console.WriteLine("Allowed to submit tasks"); } else { Console.WriteLine("NOT Allowed to submit tasks"); } } } /* * The output of the application should resemble: * Current User: AGI\hdinh * Allowed to submit tasks */ } } }
STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET