JobTaskPreconditions Property |
Namespace: AGI.Parallel.Client
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using AGI.Parallel.Client; using AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure; namespace CodeSamples { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (IJobScheduler scheduler = new ClusterJobScheduler("localhost")) { scheduler.Connect(); // Check if this feature is supported by querying for the IEnforceTaskPrecondition interface. IEnforceTaskPrecondition preconditionCapable = scheduler as IEnforceTaskPrecondition; if (preconditionCapable != null) { IList<AgentSnapshot> agents = ((IGetAgentInfo)preconditionCapable).GetAgentInfo(); string agentMachineName = agents[0].MachineName; Job job = scheduler.CreateJob(); // Restrict the task to be run only on the first agent machine. job.TaskPreconditions.Add(CommonResources.Hostname, Operator.MemberOf, new string[] { agentMachineName }); // Restrict the task to be run on machines that have at least 1 empty host slot. job.TaskPreconditions.Add(CommonResources.AvailableCores, Operator.GreaterThan, 0); job.AddTask(new RestrictedTask()); job.Submit(); job.WaitUntilDone(); Console.WriteLine(job.Tasks[0].Result); } else { Console.WriteLine("This job scheduler does not support task preconditions."); } } /* * The output of the application should resemble: * Hello from MyComputerName */ } [Serializable] public class RestrictedTask : Task { public override void Execute() { this.Result = "Hello from " + Environment.MachineName; } } } }
STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET