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ClusterJobScheduler Properties

The ClusterJobScheduler type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowSelfSignedCertificates
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow self-signed certificates when communicating with the Coordinator.
Public propertyClientCertificateFile
Gets or sets the certificate file.
Public propertyClientCertificateName
Gets or sets the subject distinguished name of the certificate in the local Windows certificate store to authenticate.
Public propertyClientCertificateThumbprint
Gets or sets the certificate using the SHA1 thumbprint.
Public propertyConnectReadTimeOut
Gets or sets the connect read time out in milliseconds.
Public propertyCoordinatorMachineName
Gets or sets the name of the coordinator.
Public propertyCoordinatorPort
Gets or sets port number of the Coordinator.
Public propertyCoordinatorReconnectionDelay
Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait before attempting to reconnect to the Coordinator.
Public propertyCoordinatorReconnectionInterval
Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the scheduler should wait in between each reconnection attempt.
Public propertyCoordinatorThumbprint
Gets or sets the Coordinator thumbprint. The client checks this thumbprint matches that of the Coordinator's security certificate to ensure it can trust the Coordinator.
Public propertyId
Gets the id of this job scheduler.
Public propertyIsConnected
Gets a value indicating whether the job scheduler is connected.
Public propertyMaximumReconnectionAttempts
Gets or sets the maximum number of times the job scheduler should try to reconnect to the Coordinator before aborting.
Public propertyProvideClientCertificate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send a client certificate when authenticating.
Public propertySslClientAuthenticationTimeOut
Gets or sets the SSL authentication timeout specified in milliseconds.
Public propertyUseSsl
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use SSL when communicating with the Coordinator.
Public propertyVerifyCoordinatorThumbprint
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to verify the coordinator thumbprint.
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET