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AgentSnapshot Properties

The AgentSnapshot type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivity
Gets or sets the current activity performed on the agent.
Public propertyCapacity
Gets or sets the capacity, which is the number of hosts that can be run simultaneously.
Public propertyCpuSpeed
Gets or sets the CPU speed for the machine where the agent is running.
Public propertyCurrentCpuUsage
Gets or sets the current CPU usage.
Public propertyDateStarted
Gets or sets the time that agent connected to coordinator.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description associated with this agent.
Public propertyEstimatedMemoryBudget
Gets or sets the estimated memory budget for the agent.
Public propertyHardDisk
Gets or sets the amount of disk space on the drive the agent is running on.
Public propertyHostPool
Gets or sets the host pool snapshot.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the agent identifier.
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this agent is enabled or disabled.
Public propertyIsRegistered
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this agent is registered.
Public propertyLoggingLevel
Gets or sets the current logging level of the agent.
Public propertyMachineName
Gets or sets the name of the machine where the agent is running.
Public propertyMeetsThreshold
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the agent meets the threshold for agent selection that is set by the coordinator.
Public propertyMemory
Gets or sets the memory status (i.e. total and available memory).
Public propertyNetwork
Gets or sets the network activity that agent using for remote connections.
Public propertyOSPlatform
Gets or sets a value indicating what OS platform the agent is running on.
Public propertyPriority
Gets or sets the current priority of the resource.
Public propertyResources
Gets or sets the resources of the agent.
Public propertyRuntimeProperties
Gets or sets the runtime properties.
Public propertyThresholdFailureReason
Gets or sets the reason for the threshold failure. If MeetsThreshold is false, this property should explain the reason for the threshold failure.
Public propertyTimeStamp
Gets or sets the time of snapshot creation.
Public propertyUserName
Gets or sets the name of the user of this agent.
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET