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Task Properties

The Task type exposes the following members.

Public propertyId
Gets the unique handle of task.
Public propertyIsCancelling
Gets a value indicating whether this task is cancelling.
Public propertyIsFinishedTaskStatus
Gets a value indicating whether this task is finished.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the display name of the task.
Public propertyCode exampleProperties
Gets the properties of the task.
Public propertyCode exampleResult
Gets or sets Task's execution result.
Public propertyCode exampleStandardError
Gets the standard error of the host that executed the task.
Public propertyCode exampleStandardOutput
Gets the standard output of the host that executed the task.
Public propertyCode exampleTaskCancellationMessage
Gets the optional task cancellation message.
Public propertyTaskCancellationReason
Gets the reason why the task was canceled.
Public propertyCode exampleTaskStatus
Gets the task status.
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET