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IJobSchedulerContext Interface

Allows interaction with the job scheduler.

Namespace:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure
Assembly:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure (in AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure.dll) Version: (
public interface IJobSchedulerContext : IMessageEndpoint

The IJobSchedulerContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyId
Gets the id of the participant's mailbox.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodCode exampleCreateChildJob()
Creates a child job and yields all resources to children.
Public methodCode exampleCreateChildJob(Boolean)
Creates a child job.
Public methodPostMessage(Object, Guid)
Posts a message to the specified target mailbox.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodPostMessage(Object, Guid, Boolean)
Posts a message to the specified target mailbox.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodReceiveMessage()
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox. Blocks the current thread until a message arrives.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodReceiveMessage(Guid)
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox. Blocks the current thread until a message arrives.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodReceiveMessage(Int32)
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox. Blocks the current thread until a message arrives.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodReceiveMessage(Int32, Guid)
Receives a message from the participant's mailbox. Blocks the current thread until a message arrives.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
Public methodReserveResource(String, Int64)
Reserves the resource with the specified amount.
Public methodReserveResource(String, Int64, Boolean)
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, possibly restricting to children jobs.
Public methodReserveResource(String, Int64, Int32)
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, with the specified time-out.
Public methodReserveResource(String, Int64, Boolean, Int32)
Reserves the resource with the specified amount, possibly restricting to children jobs, and with the specified time-out.
Public methodCode exampleYieldResource(String, Int64)
Yields the resource with the specified amount without a restriction to children.
Public methodYieldResource(String, Int64, Boolean)
Yields the resource with the specified amount.
Public eventNewMessage
Occurs when a new message arrives.
(Inherited from IMessageEndpoint.)
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET