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ILog Interface

Provides the methods used to log messages.

Namespace:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure.Logging
Assembly:  AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure (in AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure.dll) Version: (
public interface ILog
Public methodDebug(Object)
Log a message object with the Debug level.
Public methodDebug(Object, Exception)
Log a message object with the Debug level including the stack trace of the System.Exception passed as a parameter.
Public methodDebugFormat(String, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
Public methodDebugFormat(String,Object[])
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
Public methodDebugFormat(String, Object, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Debug level.
Public methodError(Object)
Log a message object with the Error level.
Public methodError(Object, Exception)
Log a message object with the Error level including the stack trace of the System.Exception passed as a parameter.
Public methodErrorFormat(String, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
Public methodErrorFormat(String,Object[])
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
Public methodErrorFormat(String, Object, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Error level.
Public methodFatal(Object)
Log a message object with the Fatal level.
Public methodFatal(Object, Exception)
Log a message object with the Fatal level including the stack trace of the System.Exception passed as a parameter.
Public methodFatalFormat(String, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.
Public methodFatalFormat(String,Object[])
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.
Public methodFatalFormat(String, Object, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Fatal level.
Public methodInfo(Object)
Log a message object with the Info level.
Public methodInfo(Object, Exception)
Log a message object with the Info level including the stack trace of the System.Exception passed as a parameter.
Public methodInfoFormat(String, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
Public methodInfoFormat(String,Object[])
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
Public methodInfoFormat(String, Object, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Info level.
Public methodWarn(Object)
Log a message object with the Warn level.
Public methodWarn(Object, Exception)
Log a message object with the Warn level including the stack trace of the System.Exception passed as a parameter.
Public methodWarnFormat(String, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
Public methodWarnFormat(String,Object[])
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
Public methodWarnFormat(String, Object, Object)
Logs a formatted message string with the Warn level.
using System;
using AGI.Parallel.Client;
using AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure;
using AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure.Logging;

namespace CodeSamples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (IJobScheduler scheduler = new ClusterJobScheduler("localhost"))
                Job job = scheduler.CreateJob();
                job.AddTask(new WriteSomeToLog());

             * Go to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\AGI\STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10\logs to inspect the log files.

        class WriteSomeToLog : Task
            public override void Execute()
                ILog logger = this.GetProperty<ILog>(TaskProperties.Logger);

                logger.Error("My text");
                logger.Fatal("should appear");
                logger.Fatal("in the file");
See Also

STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET