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Synchronize tasks on same machine


You need to synchronize tasks such that only one task runs in a certain critical section.


Use Window's mutexes, which are exposed to .NET with the System.Threading.Mutex class. Check MSDN for more information on how to use mutexes.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using AGI.Parallel.Client;
using AGI.Parallel.Infrastructure;

namespace CodeSamples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (IJobScheduler scheduler = new ClusterJobScheduler("localhost"))
                Job job = scheduler.CreateJob();

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    job.AddTask(new SyncAccessToMachineResourceTask { TaskNumber = i + 1 });


                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)

             * The output of the application should resemble:
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=12008 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:07:46 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=12008 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:07:51 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11552 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:01 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11552 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:06 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=9364 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:07:56 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=9364 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:01 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11396 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:07:51 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11396 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:07:56 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=12008 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:06 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=12008 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:11 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11396 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:11 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11396 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:16 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=9364 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:16 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=9364 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:21 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11552 accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:21 PM
             * Agent=AgentComputerName1 PID=11552 done accessing resource at 2/28/2013 7:08:26 PM

        class SyncAccessToMachineResourceTask : Task
            public int TaskNumber { get; set; }

            public override void Execute()
                bool firstInstance;
                Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, "Local\\LockForMachineResource", out firstInstance);

                // Acquire the mutex

                    // Release the Mutex.

            private void UserResource()
                // Access the resource
                this.SetProperty<string>("resource-start", string.Format("Agent={0} PID={1} accessing resource at {2}", Environment.MachineName, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, DateTime.Now));
                this.SetProperty<string>("resource-stop", string.Format("Agent={0} PID={1} done accessing resource at {2}", Environment.MachineName, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, DateTime.Now));

A frequently occurring pattern is synchronizing multiple access to a resource on a local machine. That is, only one host per machine should access the resource at a time. Examples include:

  • Updating an entry in the Windows Registry.
  • Writing a file to a common location.
  • Deleting a file or directory from a common location all hosts share.
  • Checking if an expensive operation has been done to make sure it is performed only once.
See Also



STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for .NET