Control agent that is selected to run task |
You want your task to run only on a specified list of machines.
Use task preconditions to control how a task is assigned. Many options can be controlled, including agent hostname, number of available cores, and hard disk space.
You can add task preconditions to the job by using the getTaskPreconditions() method. The CommonResources enumeration contains resource types that you will use most often.
package stkparallelcomputingserversdk.howto; import; import; import java.util.List; import agi.parallel.client.ClusterJobScheduler; import agi.parallel.client.IEnforceTaskPrecondition; import agi.parallel.client.IGetAgentInfo; import agi.parallel.client.IJobScheduler; import agi.parallel.client.Job; import agi.parallel.infrastructure.AgentSnapshot; import agi.parallel.infrastructure.CommonResources; import agi.parallel.infrastructure.Operator; import agi.parallel.infrastructure.Task; public class TaskPrecondition { public static void main(String[] args) { try (IJobScheduler scheduler = new ClusterJobScheduler("localhost")) { scheduler.connect(); // Check if this feature is supported by querying for the // IEnforceTaskPrecondition interface. if (!(scheduler instanceof IEnforceTaskPrecondition)) { System.out.println("This job scheduler does not support task preconditions."); return; } IEnforceTaskPrecondition preconditionCapable = (IEnforceTaskPrecondition) scheduler; List<AgentSnapshot> agents = ((IGetAgentInfo) preconditionCapable).getAgentInfo(); String agentMachineName = agents.get(0).getMachineName(); Job job = scheduler.createJob(); // Restrict the task to be run only on the first agent machine. job.getTaskPreconditions().add(CommonResources.HOSTNAME, Operator.MEMBER_OF, new String[] { agentMachineName }); // Restrict the task to be run on machines that have at least 1 empty host slot. job.getTaskPreconditions().add(CommonResources.AVAILABLE_CORES, Operator.GREATER_THAN, 0); job.addTask(new RestrictedTask()); job.submit(); job.waitUntilDone(); System.out.println(job.getTasks().get(0).getResult()); } /* * The output of the application should resemble: * Hello from MyComputerName */ } public static class RestrictedTask extends Task { @Override public void execute() { try { this.setResult("Hello from " + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
It is a common pattern to execute tasks only on a restricted set of machines. Examples include:
A helpful method to use in combination with getTaskPreconditions() is getAgentInfo(). GetAgentInfo will return a list of agents, which can be used to determine currently available resources before tasks are submitted.
STK Parallel Computing Server 2.10 API for Java