What’s Included in the Software Development Kit

The following components are included in the SDK:



  • The API documentation (this document)

Sample Applications

The following full applications demonstrating different uses of the API are located in the Examples folder:

  • AddExample - Simple example that adds two numbers together.

  • MandelbrotExample - An interactive example that renders the Mandelbrot fractal in parallel.

  • PiCalculator - Computes arbitrary large digit instances of PI.

  • DichotomicSearch - Example that uses sub tasks to solve a divide and conquer algorithm.

  • BarebonesChildtasks - Example that demonstrates how to use child and grandchild tasks.

  • ResourceManageExample - Example that dynamically controls resources consumed by the task.

In addition, the following is an example of how to use this product with other AGI products. This example is located in the WorkingWithAGIProducts directory. The other AGI products must be installed and licensed separately.

  • WhereIsMySatelliteServer - Example of how to use this product with STK in a simple web service.


For more complete samples, take a look at How To.