Notes Concerning Point to Point Procedures

Since all three of the point-to-point procedures achieve the same goal, the manner in which a procedure determines the route taken is what distinguishes it from the others. The following table displays the characteristics of each point-to-point procedure, to aid in selecting the best procedure for your need. A "point-to-point" procedure that is the first procedure of the mission will have only one point, which is both the start and end of the procedure.

Procedure Characteristic Enroute Basic Point to Point Terrain Following
Uses Point-to-Point Navigator X X X
Uses Advanced Terrain Following algorithm _ _ X
Speed and altitude profile determined by aircraft performance models X _ _
Direct, unconstrained climbs and descents _ X _
Climbs and descents may be immediate or delayed till procedure end X _ _
Employs Level-Off Maneuver when necessary X _ _
Speed at procedure end determined by steady state Cruise model _ X _
Air speed determined by Terrain Following model _ _ X
Turn radius computed by Acceleration model X X X
Turn radius may be relaxed X X X
User may specify course at waypoint X X X
User may specify flight path angle at waypoint _ X _
Accepts altitudes as terrain offsets _ X X