Defining Attitude Profiles

The Attitude properties page provides three ways to define the attitude profile for a vehicle. Right-click any vehicle object in STK and select Properties. Under Basic, click Attitude to display the Attitude page. At the top left is a drop-down menu that you can use to select the definition method:

Below are details for these attitude profile types.

Standard attitude profiles

Use the Standard attitude option to define a vehicle's attitude profile using one or more of the following attitude types:

Attitude Type Description
Basic Select one of the predefined attitude types and specify applicable parameters.
Target Pointing Select one or more STK objects that you want the vehicle to point at during specified intervals. The resulting targeted attitudes will override the Basic attitude during these intervals.
Precomputed Use an external file for your attitude profile. This profile overrides any Target Pointing or Basic attitude definition that would otherwise apply during the file's time frame. For a satellite, you can also generate a new attitude file propagated from the current attitude.

Real-time attitude data

This option enables you to use near-real time attitude data. You must use Connect to supply this vehicle attitude profile. See Real Time for further details.

Multisegment attitude profiles

Use this option to construct a sequence of attitude profiles using basic, targeted, and file-based attitude segments. See Multisegment for further details.