Add an Application

An application link includes a source, a destination and an application type. Each application sends a start time, stop time, precedence, item size and number of items.

To define the application link, right-click Connections and select Add Application... from the right-click menu. Make the following selections on the Add Application window and click OK.

    Source. Select the source node from the list of STK objects.

    Destination. Select the destination node from the list of STK objects.

    Application. Select from the list of applications (or traffic generators) used to send user data over the network:

    • CBR. Sends data from a client to a server at a constant bit rate.
    • Ftp. Generates File Transfer Protocol (FTP) traffic based on historical trace data.
    • Telnet. Generates realistic Tenet-style TCP traffic between a client and a server based on historical data.
    • Ftp-Generic. Like the FTP model but gives you more control over traffic properties. It uses FTP to transfer a user-specified amount of data.
    • Lookup. An abstract model of unreliable query/ response traffic, such as DNS look-up, or pinging.
    • VoIP. Simulates real-life telephone conversations routed through an IP-based network.
    • Traffic-Gen. A random distribution-based traffic generator that supports a variety of data size and interval distributions. It also supports quality of service (QoS) parameters.
    • Traffic-Trace. A trace file-based traffic generator that generates traffic according to a user-specified trace file (*.trc). It also supports quality of service (QoS) parameters.
    • Super-App. Simulates both TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) flows as well as two-way (request-response type) UDP sessions.
    • GSM. Generates traffic for Global System for Mobile (GSM) communications networks.
    • CELLULAR-ABSTRACT-APP. Generates traffic for networks running abstract cellular models.
    • PHONE-CALL. Simulates a phone call between two end-users in a Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) network.
    • ALE. Establishes Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) calls between ALE devices. To model actual traffic, a traffic generator (such as CBR or FTP) must be configured between the ALE devices.
    • VBR. Generates fixed-size data packets transmitted using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) at exponentially distributed time intervals.