Radar SearchTrack Constraints with Jamming

Use the Radar SearchTrack Jamming category of a radar's Constraints - Active properties to take into account the effects of jamming in connection with all Radar SearchTrack Constraints. Like their counterparts, you can use these constraints to compute an object's Access visibilities and also provide new Figures of Merit for Coverage and Attitude Coverage.

The searchtrack constraints correspond to the main channel radar receiver that is under the influence of jamming. When the radar receiver polarization is set and the jammers are polarized, the search/track parameters take polarization mismatch into account. Most of these parameters are recomputed under the impact of jamming on the radar receiver main channel. For more information on the effects of jamming on constraints, see SAR Constraints with Jamming. The OrthoPol constraints correspond to the radar's orthogonal polarization channel under the threat of jamming.

To isolate the effects of jamming, you can set a given constraint with jamming and its counterpart without jamming. Examples would be Single Pulse S/(N+J) and Single Pulse SNR (for Search/Track) or S/(N+J). If there is no jamming present, or if jamming is not being computed, of course, the results for each constraint in the pair will be identical.

The following options are available:

Option Description
Dwell Time Jamming Enter Min and/or Max values for the sum of the integration time and RF propagation delays in the presence of jamming effects.
Integrated J/S Enter Min and/or Max values for the integrated jamming-to-signal ratio for a search/track radar.
Integrated PDet Jamming Enter Min and/or Max values in the range 0-1 for the integrated pulse probability of detection in the presence of jamming effects. This uses the number of pulses integrated value computed by the radar according to the pulse integration mode.
Integrated S/(N + J) Enter Min and/or Max values in the selected ratio unit for the integrated signal-to-(noise plus jamming) ratio. This is not available if operating in Goal SNR analysis mode for integration gain.
Integration Time Jamming Enter Min and/or Max values for the integration time for a search/track radar required to achieve the goal SNR in the presence of jamming effects. This is available only if operating in Goal SNR analysis mode.
SearchTrack J/S Enter Min and/or Max values for the jamming-to-signal ratio for a search/track radar.
OrthoPol Dwell Time Enter Min and/or Max values for the sum of the integration time and RF propagation delays in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel.
OrthoPol Integrated J/S Enter Min and/or Max values for the integrated jamming-to-signal ratio for a search/track radar for the orthogonal polarization channel.
OrthoPol Integrated PDet Enter Min and/or Max values in the range 0-1 for the integrated pulse probability of detection in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel. This uses the number of pulses integrated value computed by the radar according to the pulse integration mode.
OrthoPol Integrated SNR Enter Min and/or Max values in the selected ratio unit for the integrated signal-to-noise ratio in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel. This is not available if operating in Goal SNR analysis mode for integration gain.
OrthoPol Integration Time Enter Min and/or Max values for the integration time for the search/track radar required to achieve the goal SNR in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel. This is available only if operating in Goal SNR analysis mode.
OrthoPol J/S Enter Min and/or Max values for the jamming-to-signal ratio for the orthogonal polarization channel of a search/track radar in the presence of jamming effects.
OrthoPol Pulses Integrated Enter Min and/or Max quantity for the number of pulses integrated in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel. This is not available for Fixed Pulse Number integration mode.
OrthoPol Single Pulse PDet Enter Min and/or Max values in the range 0-1 for the single-pulse probability of detection in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel.
OrthoPol Single Pulse SNR Enter Min and/or Max values for the single-pulse signal-to-noise ratio for the search/track radar in the presence of jamming effects for the orthogonal polarization channel. For a CW radar, the single pulse SNR is the SNR resulting from an effective pulse width of 1 second.
Pulses Integrated Enter Min and/or Max quantity for the number of pulses integrated in the presence of jamming effects. This is not available for Fixed Pulse Number integration mode.
Single Pulse PDet Enter Min and/or Max values in the range 0-1 for the single-pulse probability of detection in the presence of jamming effects.
Single Pulse SNR Enter Min and/or Max values for the single-pulse signal-to-noise ratio for the search/track radar in the presence of jamming effects. For a CW radar, the single pulse SNR is the SNR resulting from an effective pulse width of 1 second.