Transmitter Models

Script Plugin Transmitter Model

The Script Plugin RF Transmitter model and the Script Plugin Laser Transmitter model enable you to use external scripts, such as MATLAB and VBScript scripts, to define transmitters for use in your communications link analyses. STK polls the script at each time step of the simulation and obtains the model parameters. The model can accommodate dynamic system parameters with values that can change as a function of time or other factors.

For further information on scripting in STK, see Engine Plugin Scripts. For instructions on the setup and use of plugin points, see Plugin Scripts. To develop a custom script from a sample template, select the appropriate sample plugin script, in MATLAB or VBScript, from <STK install folder>\CodeSamples\Extend\PluginScripts.

To load the desired script, enter its path and file name in the Script Filename field or click the ellipsis (...) button and browse for it.

The plugin script is not automatically reloaded after you make changes to it. To reload the script, click Reload.

For a list of required inputs and outputs, see Transmitter Model Plugin Points.