Reload Accesses Tool
) that will assist you in computing, reloading, clearing, and exporting access calculations. You can reload access data that was previously saved with a coverage definition object using the Reload Accesses tool.
To open the Reload Accesses tool, highlight the coverage definition object in the Object Browser and select Reload Accesses from the CoverageDefinition menu.
Access data is only saved with the coverage definition object if you have selected that option in the Advanced properties.
This option is useful if you wish to add new or modify existing figures of merit and are only interested in the static value for the Figure Of Merit. To use the Reload Accesses tool to calculate Figure Of Merit static values using saved access data, make sure the Save Accesses and Static Data Only options are ON on the Advanced page. Add a new or modify an existing Figure Of Merit, then use the Reload Accesses tool. When STK reloads accesses for the coverage definition, it also recomputes the static values of all figures of merit attached to the coverage definition.
DO NOT reload access information if you have changed the assets or the grid definition for a coverage definition. Reloading access information after modifying an associated asset or grid definition will have unpredictable results.