Design Tool Components

The Design Tools library is a folder in the Components Browser. Each tool produces output that aids in your solving a particular type of problem. The Design Tools folder contains the following tools:

  • CR3BP Setup Tool
  • ER3BP Setup Tool
  • Lambert Solver

CR3BP Setup Tool

When performing circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) analysis, use the CR3BP Setup Tool to help you establish an ideal central body as well as the associated coordinate system and calculation objects. See the CR3BP Setup Tool help topic page for an introduction to CR3BP and a description of how to use the tool.

ER3BP Setup Tool

When performing elliptical restricted three-body problem (ER3BP) analysis, use the ER3BP Setup Tool to help you establish an ideal central body as well as the associated coordinate system and calculation objects. See the ER3BP Setup Tool help topic page for an introduction to ER3BP and a description of how to use the tool.

Lambert Solver

You can use the Lambert Solver to address Lambert’s problem, which is inherently concerned with two-body orbital dynamics and requires a central body. The Lambert Solver generates rough, initial mission sequences that you can customize and add to the MCS Segments components library. For an introduction to the Lambert problem and a description of how to use the solver, see the help topic page Lambert Solver.