3D Graphics Properties for STK Objects - Offsets

Use to position a model and marker representing an object in the 3D Graphics window by offsetting the object from its reference frame. Since the reference frame for vehicles and that of facilities and targets differ, options for different objects are slightly different.

Rotational Offset

Use. If selected, specify the model rotation about the object body frame's X, Y and Z axes.

X. The body X axis rotation.

Y. The body Y axis rotation.

Z. The body Z axis rotation.

Translational Offset

Use. If selected, specify the model translation in the object body frame's X, Y and Z directions.

Label Offset

Offsets the position of an object label.

Frame. Specifies whether to offset the label using Cartesian or pixel values.

Use. If selected, specify the label translation in the frame's x, y, and z directions.

  • +X moves the label to the right of the object.
  • -X moves the label to the left of the object.
  • +Y moves the label up.
  • -Y moves the label down.
  • +Z moves the label out of the screen (Cartesian only).
  • -Z moves the label into the screen (Cartesian only).

When Cartesian objects are used, all scaling factors are taken into account.

The position offsets and rotations are strictly graphical changes; calculations performed for the object are not affected.

Attach Point

Use. When selected, attaches the 3D Graphics Window display line (if present) to a specific point on the object. When not selected the display line is attached to the center of the object.

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