3D Graphics Properties for Planets - Attributes

Use to define the 3D graphic properties of a planet.

Inheritable Settings

Inherit From 2D Planet Graphics. If selected, planet properties set for 2D Graphics are used in the 3D graphics window. If not selected, the following planet properties for the 3D graphics window are used.

Show Inertial Position. Displays the position of the planet as a point.

Show Subplanet Point. Displays the location at which the planet is overhead on the globe.

Show Orbit. Displays the planet's orbit around its parent object in the 3D graphics window as defined in 2D Graphics for that planet. For instance, the Moon orbits around the Sun.

Show Position Label. Displays a label at the inertial position of the planet.

Show Subplanet Label. Displays a label on the globe at the location at which the planet is overhead.

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