3D Graphics Properties for STK Objects - Vapor Trail

Use to add a vapor trail to a vehicle, facility, place or target model in the 3D Graphics window. For example, you can add a trail of smoke to a rocket.

Vapor Trail

To display a vapor trail in the 3D Graphics window, select show and modify any of the following properties:

Max Number of Puffs. Number of puffs trailing the vapor source. A higher number represents a longer vapor trail.

Density. Vapor density for a puff. A higher number produces denser looking vapor.

Radius. True scale size for a puff.

Start. The time when the vapor trail will start displaying in the 3D Graphics window.

Stop. The time when the vapor trail will stop displaying in the 3D Graphics window.

Interval. The time interval in which the vapor trail will display in the 3D Graphics window.

For more information on the options available for start and stop times and time intervals see Time Options.

Image File. A graphic image that represents a puff.

Color. Color of the vapor trail.

Attach Point

All smoke attach points associated with the model will be listed (they are not the same as articulation points). Only one point can be selected at a time; that is, a model can only display one vapor trail. If there are no attach points, the vapor trail will attach to the model origin. You can modify the model file to create attach points.