Description | Example | Return message | Group


Register and unregister a 3D tileset for STK to use in Access Constraint analysis.


3DTiles <ScenarioPath> Analysis {AddTileset | RemoveTileset} <Option>


The following table describes the options.

File "<TilesetFilePath>"Specify the file path to a 3DTiles tileset. The file path can be an absolute path to the tileset or a path relative to the scenario directory. The file can be a tileset.json file or a glTF model.
PATH "<STKObjectPath>"Specify an STK object path for the tileset, such as "Facility/Facility1". By doing so, you include the object's model, along with translation/rotation offsets and scale, for STK to use as 3DTiles Mask access constraints. The file can be a tileset.json file or a glTF model.
GCS "<Tileset URL>" "<GCS URL>"Specify the URL of the 3DTiles tileset and the URL of the AGI Geospatial Content Server (GCS) that the tileset is hosted on. The file can be a tileset.json file or a glTF model.
ReferenceSystem <TruncObjPath> <SystemName> Specify the reference system that the tileset will use. If not specified, the default frame is an Earth-centered Fixed (ECF) frame.
CentralBody <CBName>Specify the central body that STK will use if the tileset contains information that is defined by latitude/longitude/altitude. If you do not define CentralBody, STK will use Earth by default.
ION <api_endpoint_url>Specify the Cesium ion API Endpoint URL.
ASSETID <id>Specify the Cesium ion Asset identifier.
ACCESSTOKEN <access_token>Soecify the Cesium ion Access token.


Registers the tileset.json file for use in analysis:

3DTiles * Analysis AddTileset FILE "C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\STKData\VO\3DTilesets\AGI_Headquarters\tileset.json"

Registers the tileset.json file from the Geospatial Content Server (GCS) for use in analysis:

3DTiles * Analysis AddTileset GCS "" ""

Registers a tileset for GroundVehicle1 by specifying the object's path:

3DTiles * Analysis PATH "GroundVehicle/GroundVehicle1"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window

