Description | Example | Return message | Group


Add waypoints to a great arc vehicle


AddWaypoint <VehObjectPath> {AddMethod} <Parameters> [<TurnRadius>]

Related commands


The AddWaypoint Connect command allows you to add a new waypoint to the route of a great arc vehicle using a specified {AddMethod}.

The AddWaypoint command will only propagate from the last point to the newly added point. To repropagate the entire route use the Propagate command.

The following table describes the <Parameters> which are based on the {AddMethod}:

DetTimeFromVelAcc[{MapGridSpec}] {PointDef} <Velocity> <Acceleration>
DetTimeAccFromVel[{MapGridSpec}] {PointDef} <Velocity>
DetVelFromTime[{MapGridSpec}] {PointDef} {DateTime}

<TurnRadius> is an optional parameter for any {AddMethod}. It is entered in Connect distances units. If no value is entered, <TurnRadius> is 0.0 meters.

{MapGridSpec} indicates the method for specifying points. It can be LatLon or UTM. This is an optional parameter and if not specified then LatLon is assumed. The following table describes the values for {PointDef} based on the {MapGridSpec}.

LatLon<Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude>
UTM<ZoneStr> <Easting> <Northing> <Altitude>

If {MapGridSpec} is not entered then {PointDef} is <Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude>

The parameters described in the preceding two tables are entered using the following units and values:

Latitude and LongitudeConnect Latitude and Longitude units (default is degrees).
Altitude<Altitude> is entered in Connect distance units, or can be the keyword Terrain, to calculate the altitude using loaded Terrain data.
ZoneStrValid values for <ZoneStr> are A, B, Y, Z or ddc, where 00>dd>61 and c is C-X.
Easting Northing<Easting> and <Northing> are entered in Connect distance units.
AccelerationConnect distance units per sec^2
VelocityConnect distance units per sec
{DateTime}For valid {DateTime} values see Time Options.
TurnRadius<TurnRadius> is an optional parameter entered in Connect distances units. If no value is entered, <TurnRadius> is 0.0.

Waypoints added using the DetVelFromTime {AddMethod} must be added in increasing time order or a NACK will occur.

Specifying the {AddMethod} sets that Method for all waypoints, which may alter Time, Velocity or Acceleration for any previously defined waypoints. When adding a series of points, all should use the same method.


To add a series of waypoints to Ship1 using the DetTimeAccFromVel method and LatLon point definition:

New / */Ship Ship1 AddWaypoint */Ship/Ship1 DetTimeAccFromVel 42.5 15 0.0 1.0
AddWaypoint */Ship/Ship1 DetTimeAccFromVel 44.5 15.7 Terrain 5.0
AddWaypoint */Ship/Ship1 DetTimeAccFromVel 44 18 Terrain 10.0
AddWaypoint */Ship/Ship1 DetTimeAccFromVel 43.2 18.9 0.0 9.0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

