Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set values for Electro-optical infrared sensing.


EOIR <VehPath> {Option} <Parameters>

Related commands


Use the EOIR command to set values for electro-optical infrared sensing for a vehicle.

This command is valid for Satellite, Aircraft, and Missile only.

The following table describes the valid values for {Option} and associated parameters.

{Option} <Parameters>Description
Shape ({ShapeOption} [<Parameter>]...)Set Shape values. The valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables.

This option is valid for Satellite and Aircraft only.

Shape {Add | Modify | Delete} [<Name>] ({ShapeOption} [<Parameter>]...)Manage shapes for Missiles. The valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables.

If Modify or Delete is entered then a valid Component name must also be entered. Use the EOIR_R command to get component names.

This option is valid for Missile only.

Stage ({StageOption} [<Parameter>]...)Set values for a Missile Stage. The valid values for {StageOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables.

This option is valid for Missile only.

TargetConfig {AddTarget | RemoveTarget} <Value>Add or remove a target from the EOIR configuration. Valid targets include aircraft, satellites, missiles, places, and facilities.

The following table describes the valid values for {ShapeOption} and associated parameters.

{ShapeOption} <Parameter>Description
Type {TypeOption} [<Parameters>]Define the shape type. The valid values for {TypeOption} and associated parameters are described in the following tables.
BodyTemperature <Value>Define the body temperature. Enter the <Value> in Scenario temperature unit.
TemperatureProfile <FilePath>This is a time-dynamic temperature profile in the EOIR TPF format, defined in STK Help > Capabilities > EOIR > External File Formats > Time Dynamic Temperature Profile.
Material <String>Define the material type that appears on the surface of the entire shape.

<String> is case-sensitive, and does not contain any spaces.

Valid values for <String> for Aircraft are: Aluminum, BurnishedAluminum, Gold, GrayBody, MixedForestCamouflage, Silver, SoilCamouflage and WaterCamouflage.

Valid values for <String> for Missile are: AluminumMLI, BlackThermalControl, BurnishedAluminum, GoldMLI, GrayBody, SilverMLI and WhiteThermalControl.

Valid values for <String> for Satellite are: AluminumMLI, BlackThermalControl, BurnishedAluminum, GoldMLI, GrayBody, SilverMLI, SolarPanel and WhiteThermalControl.

Reflectance <Value>Define the reflectance for a shape whose material is GrayBody. The <Value> is a percentage between 0.0 and 100.0.

This option is only valid if Material is GrayBody.

SetAtmosphere [<Parameters>], <Value>

Valid MODE parameter values: 0 for off, 1 for simple, 2 for MODTRAN

Valid AEROSOL parameter values: 0 for rural, 1 for urban, 2 for maritime, 3 for tropospheric

Valid VISIBILITY parameter values in km and can't be negative

Valid HUMIDITY parameter values in % between 0 and 100

Valid CLOUDS parameter values: ON and OFF

TargetSignatureFile <FilePath>The file that contains the target signature information in terms of intensity, and optionally, as a function of time, relative angle and wavelength.

Valid for PointSourceSignature shape types only.

CustomMeshModelFile <FilePath>The file that contains the 3D model to be used as the shape in .obj format.
TemperatureProfileDataProvider <String>Specify the name of the data provider to use in obtaining the temperature profile. The name is case sensitive. This ShapeOption is available for satellites, missiles, and aircraft, and the data providers available depend on the product you have installed.

The following table describes the valid values for {TypeOption} and associated parameters to be used with the Shape {Option}. All <Parameter> values are entered in Connect distance units.

The {TypeOption} is case-sensitive, and does not contain any spaces.

Box<Height> <Width> <Depth>
Cone<Height> <Radius>
Coupler<Radius1> <Height> <Radius2>
Cylinder<Height> <Radius>
Plate<Width> <Length>
CustomMesh<Max Dimension>

Valid for Satellite only. GEOComm is based on the Boeing 702 design.


Valid for Satellite only. LEOComm is based on Iridium or Globalstar.


Valid for Satellite only. LEOImaging is based on Ikonos.


The following table describes the valid values for {StageOption} and associated parameters for Missile objects.

{StageOption} <Parameter>Description
Plume {PlumeOptions...}Set the plume values for a Missile. The valid values for {PlumeOptions} and associated parameters are described in the following tables.

The following table describes the valid values for {PlumeOption} and associated parameters to be used with the Stage {Option}.

{PlumeOption} <Parameter>Description
OnTimeDelta <Value>The <Value> is entered in Connect Time unit and is between 0 seconds and 86,400 seconds.
OffTimeDelta <Value>The <Value> is entered in Connect Time unit and is between 0 seconds and 86,400 seconds.
Temperature <Value>The <Value> is entered in Scenario temperature unit and is between 0 Kelvin and 50,000 Kelvin.
RelativeWidth <Value>The <Value> is entered in a unitless ratio.
RelativeLength <Value>The <Value> is entered in a unitless ratio.


To set a variety of Shape options for a Satellite:

EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape BodyTemperature 233 Material WhiteThermalControl
EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape Material GrayBody Reflectance 54
EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape BodyTemperature 163 Type LEOComm
EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape TemperatureProfile "C:\test\TempProfile.tpf" Material GrayBody Reflectance 50

To set Stage options for a Missile:

EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Stage Plume OffTimeDelta 444 RelativeLength 44

To add a default component to a Missile:

EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Add

To modify the Component2 component:

EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Modify Component2 Type Cylinder 123 4567

To Add a component, and define the Shape Type:

EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Add Type Box 123 2345 64 Material WhiteThermalControl

To add a target aircraft:

EOIR */ TargetConfig AddTarget Aircraft/Aircraft1

To remove a target missile:

EOIR */ TargetConfig RemoveTarget Missile/Missile1

To set the mode for atmosphere:

EOIR SetAtmosphere Mode 2

To set a custom mesh dimension:

EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape Type CustomMesh 7.5

Set the custom mesh file: :

EOIR */Satellite/Satellite1 Shape CustomMeshModelFile "C:\Program Files\AGI\STK 12\EOIR_Databases\PropertyFiles\CustomMeshes\Space\Fuse.obj"

To set an object to use a thermal data provider:

EOIR */Aircraft/Aircraft1 Shape TemperatureProfileDataProvider "Flight Profile By Time - Total Temperature"
EOIR */Missile/Missile1 Shape Modify Component1 TemperatureProfileDataProvider "SEET Vehicle Temperature - Temperature"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

