Description | Example | Return message | Group


Sets values for EOIR scene details.


EOIRDetails <ObjPath> {Option} <Parameter>


You can save the EOIR synthetic scene at the current timestep as a bitmap or as raw sensor data. You can also set the scene detail level.

The following table describes the valid values for {Option} and associated parameters.

Bitmap file creation in EOIR using the SaveSceneImage command is not supported on Linux.

{Option} <Parameters>Description
SaveSceneImage[<Filepath>])Save the EOIR Synthetic scene at the current timestamp as a bitmap to the file specified by <Filepath>.
SaveSceneRawData[<Filepath>])Save the EOIR Synthetic scene at the current timestamp as raw sensor data to the file specified by <Filepath>.

Enter a value to set the scene detail level of the sensor scene. Valid options for <Value> are:

0 - Sets the Scene Detail level to Coarse, where EOIR calculates scene detail to the spatial resolution of the tesselations.

1 - Sets the Scene Detail level to Smoothed, where EOIR adds to Coarse by applying interpolation algorithms that smooth off the edges of the tesselations.

2 - Sets the Scene Detail level to Fine, where EOIR adds to Smoothed by applying calculations to overlay the tesselations of an object with a detailed surface map of materials, if such a map exists for the object.


To save the scene:

EOIRDetails */Satellite/MySat/Sensor/Sensor1 SaveSceneImage "C:/Users/stkUser/EOIRScenes/output_image.bmp"
EOIRDetails */Satellite/MySat/Sensor/Sensor1 SaveSceneRawData "C:/Users/stkUser/EOIRScenes/output_image.txt"

To set the scene detail level to Smoothed:

EOIRDetails */Satellite/MySat/Sensor/Sensor1 GraphicsLevel 1

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


