Description | Example | Return message | Group


Returns the defining parameters of an area target


GetBoundary <ATObjectPath>


The GetBoundary command returns a message that identifies the boundary points of the area target if the area is defined as a pattern. If the area target is defined as an ellipse, Connect identifies the semimajor axis, semiminor axis and bearing for the area.


To view your current directory path:

GetBoundary */AreaTarget/Iceberg

Return message

Connect returns a message that contains the defining parameters for an area target:
ACK GETBOUNDARY Pattern Data; Num Points: 7 30.361446 deg 60.910470 deg 34.156627 deg 60.364188 deg 36.867470 deg 64.734446 deg 36.867470 deg 69.650986 deg 34.156627 deg 70.197268 deg 30.903614 deg 64.734446 deg 30.361446 deg 60.910470 deg

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets

