Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return the path of the selected directory.


GetDirectory <ApplicationPath> {DirOption}


The GetDirectory command returns the path of the directory specified by the {DirOption}. The following table describes the values for {DirOption}.

DefaultUserReturns the default user data directory.
UserDataReturns the current user data directory. In STK Help this is indicated by <STK user area>
STKHomeReturns the STK install folder.
ConfigReturns the user's configuration directory.
ScenarioReturns the current Scenario directory.

This option will Nack if a Scenario has not been created.

AllUsersReturns the directory that contains STK application data for all users. In STK Help this is indicated by <STK all users area>
Database {Satellite | City | Facility}Returns the specified database directory.

The options: Satellite, City and Facility are case sensitive.

The City and Facility options will Nack if a Scenario has not been created.


To return the path of the default user directory:

GetDirectory / DefaultUser

Return message

C:\Users\stkUser\Documents\STK 12


To return the path of the Facility database:

GetDirectory / Database Facility

Return message

C:\ProgramData\AGI\STK 12\Databases\Facility

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options


