Description | Example | Return message | Group

LOP Force (Satellites)

Set the LOP force parameters for a satellite using the LOP propagator


LOP <SatObjectPath> Force {ForceOption} <Parameters>


The LOP Force command enables you to set the LOP force parameters for a satellite using the LOP propagator by specifying a {ForceOption} and necessary parameters.

{ForceOption} can be:

EarthGravity<MaxDegree> <MaxOrder><MaxDegree> and <MaxOrder> are real numbers between 0 and 1000. <MaxDegree> must be greater or equal to <MaxOrder>.
ThirdBodyGravity{UseSolarGrav} {UseLunarGrav}Valid values for {UseSolarGrav} and {UseLunarGrav} are On or Off.
SolarRadPressure{On | Off} <Cp> <AtmosphereHeight> <CrossSectionArea><Cp> is between -100.0 and 100.0. <AtmosphereHeight> is entered in Connect distance units and is between 63640.0 and 1000000.0 meters. <CrossSectionArea> is entered in m**2 and is between 0.00001 and 99999.9


To set the LOP force using the EarthGravity force option:

LOP */Satellite/Satellite2 Force EarthGravity 15 14

To set the LOP force using the ThirdBodyGravity force option:

LOP */Satellite/Satellite2 Force ThirdBodyGravity On Off

To set the LOP force using the SolarRadPressure force option (with Connect distance units set to km):

LOP */Satellite/Satellite2 Force SolarRadPressure On 2.332 87.59 18.17

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


