Description | Example | Return message | Group


Control the use of laser environmental settings in a scenario or of STK objects


LaserEnvironment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>]

Related commands


The LaserEnvironment command allows you to specify the value(s) of specific laser environmental models as pointed to by a specific attribute. The laser environmental models include models for Atmospheric Loss and Tropospheric Scintillation Loss.

The LaserEnvironment commands are applied at the scenario level or object level.

<AttributePath>Specify the path of the attribute being changed.
<Value>The specified attribute will be set to this value.
<Unit>When entering a numeric value include the <Unit> to specify the abbreviation of the unit that the numeric value is being entered in. If not included then the <Value> is assumed to be in the internal units.

Use this command in conjunction with the LaserEnvironment_RM GetValue command, which will return a list of attributes, or the properties and choices for a specific attribute.


Enable the modeling of atmospheric loss for laser communications, select a model, and define its settings.

First use the LaserEnvironment_RM GetValue command to see available attributes at the scenario level:

LaserEnvironment_RM * GetValue
PropagationChannel.EnableAtmosphericLossModel = false
PropagationChannel.EnableTropoScintLossModel = false

Now use the LaserEnvironment SetValue command to enable the laser atmospheric model at the scenario level:

LaserEnvironment * SetValue
PropagationChannel.EnableAtmosphericLossModel true

Next find out which atmospheric models are available, using the LaserEnvironment_RM * GetValue command with the Choices option:

LaserEnvironment_RM * GetValue

Return message

Beer-Bouguer-Lambert Law MODTRAN-derived LookupTable MODTRAN

Select "MODTRAN-derived_Lookup_Table" as the atmospheric model at the scenario level:

LaserEnvironment * SetValue PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel MODTRAN-derived_Lookup_Table

Next, get an overview of all settings of the selected atmospheric model:

LaserEnvironment_RM * GetValue PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel

Return message

PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.ReferenceType = Unlinked
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel = MODTRAN-derived_Lookup_Table
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.UserComment = Model which interpolates in between a table of pre-computed MODTRAN results.
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.AerosolModelType = Rural High Visibility
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.Visibility = 23000.00000000 m
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.RelativeHumidity = 0.45800000 unitValue
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.SurfaceTemperature = 273.00000000 K

To override one of the model settings locally, at the location of Facility1

Use the LaserEnvironment_RM GetValue command at the object level to see the attribute settings:
LaserEnvironment_RM */Facility/Facility1 GetValue

Return message

PropagationChannel.EnableAtmosphericLossModel = false PropagationChannel.EnableTropoScintLossModel = false
If a model type is disabled at the object level, the scenario-level settings will be used. To override locally, use the LaserEnvironment SetValue command and enable the model:
LaserEnvironment */Facility/Facility1 SetValue
PropagationChannel.EnableAtmosphericLossModel true
Now proceed similar to before to specify a local model with its own settings. Say you want to use a different aerosol model (Urban) at the location of Facility1, with all else being equal:
LaserEnvironment_RM */Facility/Facility1 GetValue
LaserEnvironment */Facility/Facility1 SetValue
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel MODTRAN-derived_Lookup_Table
LaserEnvironment_RM */Facility/Facility1 GetValue
LaserEnvironment_RM */Facility/Facility1 GetValue
LaserEnvironment */Facility/Facility1 SetValue
PropagationChannel.AtmosphericLossModel.AerosolModelType Urban

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




