Description | Example | Return message | Group

Point AlongVector

Control sensor pointing along a vector for a specified sensor instance


Point <SensorObjectPath> AlongVector "<AlignmentVector>" "<ConstraintVector>" [<ClockAngleOffset>]

Related commands


The Point AlongVector command controls sensor pointing alignment using a pair of vectors.

When specifying the "<AlignmentVector>" and "<ConstraintVector>", include the truncated path of the object followed by a space and the name of the vector, all in quotes. For example: "Satellite/attSat North" or "CentralBody/Earth East".

The <ClockAngleOffset> is an optional value that is entered in degrees, between -360.0 and 360.0. The default value is 0.0 degrees.


To set the sensor's pointing to align along the Satellite's Moon vector, with the Satellite's Position vector as a reference and an offset of 4 degrees:

Point */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 AlongVector "Satellite/Satellite1 Moon" "Satellite/Satellite1 Position" 4.0

To set the sensor's pointing to align along the Earth's Fixed vector, using the default clock angle:

Point */Satellite/Satellite1/Sensor/Sensor1 AlongVector "CentralBody/Earth Fixed" "Satellite/Satellite1 Velocity"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

